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Coriander Powder

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.

Country of Origin: India



Coriander is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. It is also known as Chinese parsley, dhania, or cilantro. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves & the dried seeds are the parts most traditionally used in cooking. Coriander is commonly found both as whole dried seeds & in ground form.

The fresh leaves are an ingredient in many foods, such as chutneys & salads, salsa, guacamole, & as a widely used garnish for soup, fish, & meat. The taste of the leaves & the seeds are distinct. The seed is described as warm, nutty, spicy, & orange-flavoured. Product is organically produced & processed according to current Good Manufacturing Practices, HACCP norms regulations NPOP, NOP & EEC 834/2007.

Additional information

Health benefits

1. Lower blood sugar- (flush extra sodium from your system and reduce your blood pressure)
2. Good for heart, brain, skin, & Digestive health.

Good source of:

1. Has powerful antioxidants like vitamin C and fights against free radicals that damage the skin.
2. It has sharp, spicy flavour
3. Contains dietary fibre


1. Gravies, soup, sauces
2. Used as spice in many dishes
3. As flavouring agent in many dishes.